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I'm David Graham, a software designer in Denver, Colorado. I work at GitHub, making a little more wonderful every day. Follow me on Twitter!

Vines XMPP Server 0.2.0 Released

We’re proud to announce the second preview release of the Vines XMPP server! Along with many bug fixes and improvements, there are three important new features in this release.

File Transfers

The chat server now supports in-band and out-of-band file transfers. You can drag and drop a file onto any XMPP chat client and transfer it to anyone on your buddy list.

HTTP Server

We’ve enhanced our web support with a simple HTTP server capable of serving static files. You’ll typically run this, in production, behind a caching proxy server like nginx, Apache mod_proxy, or HAproxy to gain TLS and clustering support.

Web Chat

This release includes a new web chat client built entirely with CoffeeScript. There’s no application server to configure (e.g. Rails) as the app connects directly to the XMPP server using HTTP. The web application is available immediately after starting the chat server at http://localhost:5280/chat/.

Vines Web Chat
Vines Web. Click for larger image.

The user interface is designed for desktop browsers as well as tablets. We’re still tweaking some details on iPad, but give it a try and let us know what you think!

Try It Out!

If this is the first time you’re installing Vines, make sure to follow our Ruby install instructions and then run gem install vines. If you already have Vines installed, just update the Ruby gem with gem update vines to install the new version.

- David Graham
11 Jul 2011